Speech, Language and Communication (SLC) Triage Panel – Blackpool Better Start

About this project

Blackpool Better Start have implemented a Speech, Language and Communication (SLC) Triage Panel to improve early identification of and support for children with speech, language and communication needs. It was formed in 2020 in order to identify local children who were not accessing language assessments and interventions. This panel comprises of a multi-agency team, including an NHS SLC therapist, an SLC Therapist from the commissioned service ‘Communicate’, the local authority Early Years Team Manager, a literacy advisory teacher, a Community Connector from Blackpool Better Start and is Chaired by The Early Years Senior Manager. Meeting every two weeks, the panel considers new referrals and discusses the next steps for children as they approach the end of their interventions. Referrals come from both health and pre-schools, usually after a child’s WellComm Assessment. Following referral, a Community Connector is assigned to each family and as part of an informal phone conversation, they help them to understand what the panel will involve, as well as finding out more about the child, family and any challenges accessing services. This can include factors such as digital poverty or complex needs of children and other family members. This information is then fed back to the panel, allowing them to understand the type of interventions that would be helpful and accessible to the family considering their individual circumstances, to maximise the chance of successful engagement. After the panel, families receive a letter proposing the next steps and the Community Connector briefs the family on what will happen next. Across the intervention period, the Community Connector will stay in touch with the family. Following the intervention, the panel discuss the child’s case again and propose next steps based on the child’s individual circumstances.

Between April 2022 and March 2023, this multi-agency approach has received 631 referrals with 461 families (73%) receiving Community Connector Support. Every child referred into the panel receives a Speech, Language and Communication support Pack out together by the Community Connectors which contains bespoke information and advice and a book donated by either The National Literacy Trust, The Book Trust or The Centre for Early Child Development.


Where are they doing this?

  • Blackpool Council