Modern Data Platform: Single Front Door for Children and Young Persons Information and SEND Cost Insights - Suffolk County Council

About this project

Suffolk County Council has been working with Simpson Associates, a data analytics company, to develop a new Modern Data Platform which is single front door system for children and young people, focused on supporting Suffolk’s SEND strategy. Based on a Microsoft Azure Synapse data platform, the system enables the council to track costs relating to children with SEND and scope future costs. Previously, staff at the council were required to navigate various disparate systems to find the information they needed about a child, which was time consuming. Their Modern Data Platform provides a single view of the child which integrates their engagement across services and joins up and merges data across various council systems. This means an accurate and comprehensive version of a child’s records can be easily and efficiently accessed. It is linked to the Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub. The aim is to use the insights from this to enhance service delivery and safeguarding practices as well as improving sufficiency planning.

Who is doing this

  • Suffolk County Council