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About this project

KIJIJI is a community for Black safeguarding professionals (BSPs) working with children and young people. It provides dedicated spaces to network and connect, access to learning, training and development opportunities, and data and insight that amplifies the needs and experiences of BSPs. KIJIJI aims to support the progression and inclusion of BSPs to enable the delivery of better outcomes for children. The organisation has conducted research around the challenges faced by BSPs to inform wider system improvements, undertaking the first survey of this group.

An instructive report published in 2021 highlighted key findings around a lack of fair and equal progression opportunities for BSPs as well as a sense that they faced career barriers as a result of their ethnicity. The report made six key recommendations for the sector. These included commissioning culturally competent independent resources to engage BSPs and provide a ‘safe’ forum to listen to and understand their workplace experiences, carry out workforce audits to assess workforce equality and progression opportunities, ringfenced funding for the commissioning/employment of dedicated ‘Equality, Diversity and Inclusion’ expertise, ringfenced leadership opportunities for BSPs, investment in high-quality learning and development opportunities for BSPs as well as implementing support for BSPs which addresses health inequalities.

Local authorities or individuals interested in connecting with the KIJIJI community or exploring collaboration opportunities should email, or connect via X, Linkedin or Instagram.