Sib-link – Fostering Great Ideas

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About this project

Sib-Link focuses on allowing children in care to maintain crucial connections to their siblings. With siblings in care often separated due to a lack of appropriate placements, this US programme arranges regular visits between siblings, enabling them to stay in touch, retain their bonds and build their relationships. Meeting every month, Sib-Link organises the date, location, transport and activity, which may involve a trip to a museum or a park. Outside of the monthly visits, the programme facilitates regular video calls between siblings as well as virtual birthday celebrations. It recognises the importance of siblings bonds to child development, providing an opportunity for caregivers to get to know each other so they can support the children to retain their connection outside of the visits. Sib-Link has worked with 130 sibling sets and organised over 1,500 sibling visits since it started in 2015.